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“Our village will become a pilot project. »

A few years ago, Rachid took the initiative to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of Tizi N'Oucheg; to allow children to go to school, to increase agricultural yield, to obtain access to drinking water in every home, to put an end to the lack of infrastructure.

Thanks to the help of numerous associations and numerous donors, his dreams came true. In fact, more than 30 projects have seen the light of day since 2011. Kindergarten children now have a classroom, 2,000 fruit trees have been planted (carob, cherry, almond) and water has been connected to all houses, a sanitation network has been set up, the roads to access the village have been rehabilitated, 70 women have been made literate, all the young girls in the douar are, today, in school and many others...

The sustainability of the village assured, the inhabitants therefore returned to live in Tizi N'Oucheg, a bet won!

The realization of these projects also aims to influence the other douars of the valley so that all can develop and become socially and economically autonomous, without harming Amazigh traditions.

Tizi N'Oucheg has become a model village. For example, many other nursery schools have been set up thanks to the Action Autonomie Avenir association. In addition, the douar association, with the support of the Michysmile association, trained teachers in the region and made them aware of first aid. Finally, other lodges have emerged in the valley. These sustainable initiatives are bringing real change and it's not going to stop anytime soon!

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